1) 科学技术部,国家自然科学基金面上项目,精密行星机电执行器系统精度保持理论与实验研究,2024-01至2027-12,50万 2) 安庆市产业创新引导资金及配套项目,汽车稳定杆自动化产线设计开发,2024.01至2025.12,93万 3) 民营企业,委托开发,微线段齿轮泵开发,2023.05至2025.05,100万 4) 民营企业,委托开发,污泥高压压滤装备结构设计及性能优化,2023.06至2025.06,100万 5) 民营企业,委托开发,汽车电动式主动稳定杆系统开发,2023.10至2024.12,100万 6) 民营企业,委托开发,基于RFID的医用智能恒温柜系统及高值耗材柜辅柜的开发,W2021JSKF1090,2022-02至2023-12,110万 7) 国家科学技术部,国家重点研发计划,JZ2018ZDYF0001,混合动力新型机电耦合总成系统开发与集成,2018-01 至 2021-12,50万元 8) 国家科学技术部,国家自然科学基金项目,精度主导的大重合度齿轮动态设计理论与实验,51775156,2018-01至2021-12,63万元 9) 陆军航空装备部,陆军航空装备“十三五”预研专用技术项目,30103090201, 直升机电动尾部减速器及控制技术研究,2017-02 至 2020-12,150万元 10) 民营企业,委托开发,W2020JSKF0498,医用耗材智能柜系统研发, 2020-08 至 2021-02,60万元 2、专著与论文 1) Yuanjie Xian,Kang Huang, Zicheng Zhu,Daptive Robust Control for Fuzzy Mechanical Systems in Confined Spaces: Nash Game Optimization Design,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMS,2024, 34(5) 2) Zhu G, Huang K, Xiong Y, et al. Computational model for fractal dimension of anisotropic gear surfaces based on improved structure function method[J]. Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties, 2024, 12(4): 045011. 3) Chao Ma,Kang Huang, Qilin Wu, and Hao SuCooperative Game-Based Optimization of Flexible Robust Constraint Following Control for Spacecraft Rendezvous System With Uncertainties,IEEE Transactions on Systems Man Cybernetics Systems,2023.11:6849-6860 4) Kang Huang ,Chao Ma ,Chenming Li ,Ye-Hwa Chen,High-order robust control and Stackelberg game-based optimization for uncertain fuzzy PMSM system with inequality constraints,ISA Transactions 2023.03 VOL134 (134 ) 451–459 5) Huang K, Cheng Z, Xiong Y*, et al. Bifurcation and chaos analysis of a spur gear pair system with fractal gear backlash[J]. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2021, 142: 110387. 6) Huang K, Xian Y, Zhen S*, et al. Robust control design for a planar humanoid robot arm with high strength composite gear and experimental validation[J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2021, 155: 107442. 7) Huang K, Wang M, Sun H, et al. Robust approximate constraint-following control design for permanent magnet linear motor and experimental validation[J]. Journal of Vibration and Control, 2021, 72(1-2): 119-128. 8) Huang K, Wang M, Zhen S. Udwadia-Kalaba equation based adaptive robust control for two-wheeled inverted pendulum system: underactuation and uncertainty[J]. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 2021, 19(7): 2420-2430. 9) Huang K, Xian Y, Li C, et al. Application of Udwadia–Kalaba approach to semi-active suspension control of a heavy-duty truck[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2020, 234(1): 245-257. 10) Sang M, Huang K, Xiong Y*, et al. Dynamic modeling and vibration analysis of a cracked 3K-II planetary gear set for fault detection[J]. Mechanical Sciences, 2021, 12(2): 847-861. 11) Huang K, Yi Y, Xiong Y*, et al. Nonlinear dynamics analysis of high contact ratio gears system with multiple clearances[J]. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 2020, 42(2): 1-16. 12) 黄康, 许锋炜, 熊杨寿*, 等. 双联行星轮角度偏差对系统均载特性的影响[J]. 计算力学学报, 2020, 37(4): 405-411. 13) Huang K, Sang M, Xiong Y*, et al. Load Distribution in meshing process of micro-segment Gears[J]. Forschung im Ingenieurwesen, 2020, 84(1): 33-46. 14) Huang K, Sang M, Xiong Y*, et al. Bifurcation analysis and chaotic behaviors of a spur microsegment gear pair with time-varying pressure angle[J]. Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 2019, 14(12): 121008. 15) Yi Y, Huang K*, Xiong Y, et al. Nonlinear dynamic modelling and analysis for a spur gear system with time-varying pressure angle and gear backlash[J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2019, 132: 18-34. 16) Huang K, Xu F, Xiong Y*, et al. Nonlinear dynamic analysis of microsegment gear system with time-varying base circle[J]. Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, 2019, 44(2): 279-293. 17) Shao K, Zheng J*, Huang K*, et al. Finite-time control of a linear motor positioner using adaptive recursive terminal sliding mode[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2019, 67(8): 6659-6668. 18) He C*, Huang K, Chen X, et al. Transportation control of cooperative double-wheel inverted pendulum robots adopting Udwadia-control approach[J]. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2018, 91(4): 2789-2802. 19) 黄康*, 徐锐, 陈奇. 小位移旋量和响应面法相结合的齿轮公差分析模型构建方法[J]. 西安交通大学学报, 2017, 51(9): 77-84. 20) 黄康, 马加奇, 夏公川, 等. 某直升机主减速器行星轮系功质比的区间多目标优化[J]. 航空动力学报, 2017, 32(10): 2447-2455. 21) Huang K, Xu R*, Chen Q. A tolerance mathematical model based on fractal theory for tolerance analysis of gear[J]. Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2017, 38(5): 525-536. 22) Huang K, Xiong Y*, Wang T, et al. Research on the dynamic response of high-contact-ratio spur gears influenced by surface roughness under EHL condition[J]. Applied Surface Science, 2017, 392: 8-18. 23) Huang K, Shao K, Zhen S, et al. A novel approach for trajectory tracking control of an under-actuated quad-rotor UAV[J]. IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 2016, DOI: 10.1109/JAS.2016.7510238. 三、专利 1) 黄康,郭俊,朱胤斐,孙浩,李晨鸣,杨磊,刘荣耀;一种直升机电动尾部减速器系统的控制方法, 2021-03-12,中国, ZL201811631255.2. 2) 黄康,张雁欣,孙浩,甄圣超,陈盼盼,李传阳,刘荣耀,郑运军;基于AGV系统的轨迹跟踪控制方法, 2020-11-20,中国, ZL201810240493.4. 3) 黄康,杨磊,朱凌坤,郭俊,徐锐,王强,余涛,蔡志英;一种齿轮齿廓微观形貌测量装置, 2020-06-05,中国, ZL201711295458.4. 4) 黄康,刘泽链,邱明明,王强,张怡然,周哲,刘爱国;可换向减速装置, 2020-04-14,中国, ZL201810517523.1. 5) 黄康,郭俊,赵韩,孙浩,甄圣超,张雁欣;一种双转子轴向盘式永磁电机, 2019-09-10,中国, ZL201711060636.5. 6) 黄康,张怡然,赵韩,陈小龙,何春生,朱胤斐,马加奇;一种柔性末端牵引康复机器人, 2019-06-18,中国, ZL201710478074.X. 7) 黄康,张雁欣,赵韩,孙浩,甄圣超,郭俊,陈盼盼,李传阳;一种盘式轴向磁通电动机, 2019-04-30,中国, ZL201711060629.5. 8) 黄康,朱凌坤,桑萌,王冕昊,张磊,马加奇,汪涛;一种机械手, 2019-04-23,中国, ZL201610989958.7. 9) 黄康,周长斌,甄圣超,陈祥林,杨羊;一种自动化立体仓库控制系统与方法, 2018-02-06,中国, ZL201610583872.4. 10) 黄康,朱凌坤,桑萌,王冕昊,张磊,张祖芳,高峰,段松林;一种齿轮的线切割夹具, 2018-07-03,中国, ZL201611260242.X. 11) 黄康,杨羊,马加奇,周长斌,潘毅,汪涛,高峰,段松林;弹性无回差3Z行星减速器, 2018-05-01,中国, ZL201610711656.3. 12) 黄康,汪涛,马加奇,潘毅,杨羊,高峰;一种行星齿轮装配机械手, 2018-02-06,中国, ZL201610547127.4. 13) 黄康,朱晓慧,陈祥,夏公川,周志红,黄青青;用于齿轮传动系统性能测试的装置, 2017-03-29,中国, ZL201510050013.4. 14) 黄康,段松林,高峰,宋飞,杨沁,洪建;一种机器人关节减速器试验台, 2017-01-25,中国, ZL201510374482.1. 15) 黄康,朱晓慧,陈祥,夏公川,吴占雨,黄青青;一种用于齿轴系统的快速拆装装置, 2017-01-18,中国, ZL201510025423.3. 16) 黄康,巩淼,周志红;一种轻型无人直升机传动系统装置, 2016-09-07,中国, ZL201510414340.3. 17) 黄康,周志红,赵韩,刘鹏,巩淼;一种用于直升机主减速器螺旋锥齿行星轮系, 2015-11-18,中国, ZL201410045640.4. 四、获奖 1) 黄康(7/10);新能源汽车及其核心部件能量与安全管控关键技术及产业化,安徽省人民政府,科技进步,省部一等奖, 2019(赵韩;吴定国;孙纯哲;李韧;臧超;邱明明;黄康;尹安东;王军;宫璐 ) 2) 黄康(3/10);汽车自动变速器关键共性技术及产业化应用,中国汽车工程学会,汽车工业学会二等奖,其他, 2017(赵韩;尹良杰;黄康;邱明明;叶远龙;江昊;郑海兵;方志勤;段继强;吴其林 ) 3) 黄康(3/10);机械产品多层次自动引导式协同设计仿真系统及应用,安徽省人民政府,科技进步,省部一等奖, 2012(赵韩;王璐;黄康;王梅;董迎晖;陈科;曹文钢;王志海;胡劲松;王勇 ) |