近三年主持的科研项目: (1)国家自然科学基金面上项目 (2)国家自然科学基金区域创新发展联合基金重点支持项目(合作主持) (3)国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目 (4)教育部王宽诚教育基金项目 (5)合肥市自然科学基金项目 (6)合肥市留学回国人员创新创业扶持计划项目 (7)中国博士后科学基金面上项目 部分学术论文: [1] Bing Chen, Lei Zhou, Bin Zi, Eric Li, and Dan Zhang, “Adaptive admittance control strategy for a robotic knee exoskeleton with a nonlinear variable stiffness actuator”, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2024, 1-12. DOI: 10.1109/TMECH.2024.3422478 [2] Bing Chen, Chenpu Shi, Bin Zi, Ling Qin, and Qingsong Xu, “Development and validation of robotic ankle exoskeleton with parallel nonlinear elastic actuator”, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design- Transactions of the ASME, 2024, 146(11): 113304. [3] Bing Chen, Xiang Ni, Bin Zi, Qingsong Xu, and Jun Qian, “Design and implementation of upper-body exoskeleton for assistance of individuals with manual handling tasks”, ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics- Transactions of the ASME, 2024, 16(7): 071007. [4] Bing Chen, Ruijin Wang, and Bin Zhou, “A Portable Passive Ankle-Foot Orthosis for Walking Propulsion and Drop-Foot Prevention”, ASME Journal of Medical Devices- Transactions of the ASME, 2024, 18(4): 041005. [5] Bing Chen, Jialiang Tan, Chenpu Shi, and Bin Zi, “Development of knee exoskeleton for capturing energy from human knee motion”, Robotica, 2023, 41(10): 3195-3210. [6] Bing Chen, Chenpu Shi, Chengwang Zheng, Bin Zi, Ping Zhao, and Yuan Li, “Development of lower limb exoskeleton for walking assistance using energy recycled from human knee joint”, ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics- Transactions of the ASME, 2023, 15(5): 051007. [7] Bing Chen, Chengwang Zheng, Bin Zi, and Ping Zhao, “Design and implementation of knee-ankle exoskeleton for energy harvesting and walking assistance”, Smart Materials and Structures, 2022, 31(12): 125003. [8] Bing Chen, Bin Zi, Bin Zhou, and Zhengyu Wang, “Implementation of robotic ankle–foot orthosis with an impedance-based assist-as-needed control strategy”, ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics- Transactions of the ASME, 2022, 14(5): 051001. [9] Bing Chen, Bin Zi*, Zhengyu Wang, Yuan Li, and Jun Qian, “Development of robotic ankle-foot orthosis with series elastic actuator and magneto-rheological brake”, ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics- Transactions of the ASME, 2021, 13(1): 011002. [10]Bing Chen, Bin Zi, Ling Qin, and Qiaosheng Pan, “State-of-the-art research in robotic hip exoskeletons: A general review”, Journal of Orthopaedic Translation, 2020, 20: 4-13. 国际会议论文奖: (1) 2022年国际会议“International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Machine Design”中荣获“Best Presentation Award” (2) 2017年国际会议“The 8th WACBE World Congress on Bioengineering”中荣获“Best Student Oral Presentation Awards” (3) 2016年国际会议“International Combined Meeting of Orthopaedic Research Societies”中荣获“Best Paper Recognition Awards” 部分授权发明专利: (1)陈兵,倪想,史晨璞,谈家梁,訾斌,周斌.基于负重转移的被动式上肢助力搬运外骨骼. 2024.06.21,中国发明专利, ZL202211504102.8 (2)陈兵,史晨璞,倪想,谈家梁,訾斌.基于自适应非线性并联弹性驱动器的踝关节助力外骨骼及其控制方法. 2024.06.28,中国发明专利, ZL202211446832.7 (3)陈兵,郑成旺,訾斌,周斌,赵萍.一种具有刚度调节与能量回收功能的膝关节外骨骼及其训练方法. 2024.09.20,中国发明专利, ZL202210855534.7 (4)陈兵,谈家梁,史晨璞,倪想,周斌,訾斌.一种基于负功回收来发电的膝关节外骨骼及其发电方法. 2024.04.14,中国发明专利, ZL202210390739.2 (5)陈兵,倪想,张英杰,史晨璞,谈家梁,訾斌,周斌.一种自动取送药的AGV小车及其控制系统和自动取送药方法. 2023.06.30,中国发明专利, ZL202210390743.9 (6)陈兵,史晨璞,谈家梁,倪想、訾斌.一种被动式柔性膝踝关节助力外骨骼机器人. 2023.06.20,中国发明专利, ZL202210094207.4 (7)陈兵,王兵,訾斌.一种基于非线性机构的可变刚度柔索驱动器. 2022.02.22,中国发明专利, ZL202011272229.2 (8)陈兵,王兵,訾斌,王正雨,周斌.基于绳索变刚度多功能驱动器的膝关节外骨骼及控制方法. 2022.02.01,中国发明专利, ZL202010330350.X (9)陈兵,郑成旺,王兵,訾斌.基于人体膝关节和踝关节驱动的发电装置. 2022.05.17,中国发明专利, ZL202110279987.5 (10)陈兵,祝升,梁昀轲,钱信君,汪子珣,李澍萌.一种智能图书管理机器人及其借阅方法. 2022.04.08,中国发明专利, ZL202010367450.X |