[1] 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目“机械轴类产品的结构相似性与服役状态预测方法研究(51305119)”,2014-2016, 25万,项目负责人;
[2] 973计划“再制造过程的决策支持与综合评价理论(2011CB013406)”,2011-2016, 180万元,项目主要参与人;
[3] 国家自然科学基金面上项目“机电产品服役状态监测与主动再制造时机决策的方法与技术研究( 51375133)”,2014-2017,80万元,项目主要参与人;
[1]柯庆镝, 王辉, 刘光复, 宋守许. 基于性能参数的主动再制造时机分析方法[J]. 中国机械工程, 已录用
[2]Sanyal, Sriya; Ke, Qingdi; Zhang, Yuan; Ngo, Thao; Carrell, John etc. Understanding and optimizing delamination/recycling of printed circuit boards using a supercritical carbon dioxide process. Journal of Cleaner Production, v 41, p 174-178, 2013.2.
[3]刘光复, 刘涛, 柯庆镝*, 宋守许, 周丹. 基于博弈论及神经网络的主动再制造时间区域抉择方法研究. 机械工程学报. 2012, 48 (5) :80-86
[4]Qingdi Ke , Hui Wang* , Shouxu Song , BingBing Li. A timing decision-making method for product and its key components in proactive remanufacturing. 23th CIRP LCE, Berlin, 2016
[5]QingdiKe*, Hongchao Zhang, Guangfu Liu, Bingbing Li. Energy Factor Analysis in Modular Product. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2012,130-134 : 1314-1317.
[6]QingdiKe*, Hong-chao Zhang, Guangfu Liu, Bingbing Li. Remanufacturing Engineering Literature Overview and Future Research Needs. 18th CIRP LCE, Braunschweig, 2011
[7]SONG Shou-xu, TAI Ying-ying, KE Qing-di. Establishment and application of the service mapping model for proactive remanufacturing impeller. Journal of Central South University. Accepted and in press.
[8]Song, Shouxu; Liu, Ming; Ke, Qingdi; Huang, Haihong. Proactive remanufacturing timing determination method based on residual strength. International Journal of Production Research. 2015, 53(17): p 5193-5206