部分科研项目: [1] 2023.01-2026.12,大规模声振耦合系统特征频率的灵敏度分析与优化设计方法研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持 [2] 2019.01-2022.12,大规模声振耦合模态分析的快速计算方法研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持 [3] 2015.01-2017.12,水下结构声固耦合及其灵敏度分析的有限元-快速边界元法研究,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,主持 [4] 2023.07-2024.08,等静压装药工艺模拟仿真研究,横向委托项目,主持 [5] 2022.08-2022.11,声学边界元快速多极算法开发与验证,横向委托项目,主持 [6] 2022.05-2022.07,复杂机械结构声学建模及辐射噪声预测方法研究,横向委托项目,主持 [7] 2021.11-2022.09,缠绕壳体力学性能老化规律及预示方法研究,横向委托项目,主持 [8] 2021.08-2022.03,高温材料热结构响应和参数敏感性分析,横向委托项目,主持 [9] 2021.08-2022.09,含凝胶复杂结构动力学建模及响应求解方法及工具研究,横向委托项目,主持 [10] 2021.07-2022.12,转子动力学算法验证及软件功能扩充,横向委托项目,主持 [11] 2020.11-2021.05,电力电容器及其塔架的辐射噪声仿真分析,横向委托项目,主持 [12] 2019.04-2020.09,转子动力学软件研发,横向委托项目,主持 [13] 2018.07-2019.12,电容器声振外特性测试及油箱用声振控制装置开发,横向委托项目,主持 [14] 2018.05-2019.12,水下结构湿模态分析的快速并行计算方法研究,合肥工业大学学术新人提升B计划项目,主持 [15] 2023.01-2026.01,往复式压缩机家用化静音技术开发,横向委托项目,参加 [16] 2022.01-2025.12,热气动弹性问题的多尺度计算方法研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,参加 [17] 2020.11-2024.10,××辐射噪声传播机理及实验研究,军科委基础加强计划重点基础研究项目,参加 [18] 2018.01-2020.12,轮胎噪声机理与低噪声优化设计关键技术研究,横向委托项目,参加 [19] 2017.11-2019.11,有界空间大尺度模型声源空间分布反演方法研究,横向委托项目,参加 [20] 2014.08-2016.12,轮胎噪声喇叭口放大效应的解析、数值和实验研究,横向委托项目,参加 部分学术论文(*表示通讯作者): [1] MH Liang, YB Zhang,CJ Zheng*, et al. Design sensitivity analysis of three-dimensional acoustic problems using a fast multipole accelerated indirect BEM.Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 153:102-115, 2023. [2] MH Liang, YB Zhang,CJ Zheng*, et al. Solving thin-body acoustic problems over an impedance plane with a fast multipole indirect boundary element method.Journal of Theoretical and Computational Acoustics, 30(3):2240006, 2022. [3] CJ Zheng, et al. Sensitivity analysis of acoustic eigenfrequencies by using a boundary element method.Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 149(3):2027-2038, 2021. [4] H Gao, J Liang, B Li,CJ Zheng*, et al. A level set based topology optimization for finite unidirectional acoustic phononic structures using boundary element method.Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 381:113776, 2021. [5] CJ Zheng, et al. Simulation of Sound Propagation over an Infinite Impedance Plane by using a Fast Multipole BEM.Journal of Theoretical and Computational Acoustics, 28(2):2050020, 2020. [6] CJ Zheng, et al. Fictitious eigenfrequencies in the BEM for interior acoustic problems.Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 104:170-182, 2019. [7] CJ Zheng, et al. Free vibration analysis of elastic structures submerged in an infinite or semi-infinite fluid domain by means of a coupled FE-BE solver.Journal of Computational Physics, 359:183-198, 2018. [8] CJ Zheng, et al. Coupled FE-BE method for eigenvalue analysis of elastic structures submerged in an infinite fluid domain.International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 110:163-185, 2017. [9] CJ Zheng, et al. An accurate and efficient acoustic eigensolver based on a fast multipole BEM and a contour integral method.Journal of Computational Physics, 305:677-699, 2016. [10] CJ Zheng, et al. Is the Burton-Miller formulation really free of fictitious eigenfrequencies?Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 59:43-51, 2015. 指导学生情况: 已指导硕士和博士毕业生十多人,分别就职于华为技术、比亚迪汽车、美的集团、上海泛亚汽车研发中心、大众汽车(安徽)、蔚来汽车、航天八院等知名企业和科研院所。 |