[5]安徽省自然科学基金面上项目(1408085ME82), 2014-2016
[6]清华大学摩擦学国家重点实验室开放基金重点项目(SKLTKF15A05), 2016-2017
[7]中央高校基本科研业务费博士科研启动项目(2012HGBZ0857), 2013-2014
[8]安徽省自然科学基金青年基金项目(11040606Q37), 2011-2012
[9]中科院兰州化学物理所固体润滑国家重点实验室开放基金项目(0907), 2010-2012
[10]合肥工业大学研究与发展基金项目(080204F), 2008-2009
[1] Zhiheng Luo, Jingyuan Yu,Yufu Xu*, He Xi, Gang Cheng, Lulu Yao, Ruhong Song, Karl D Dearn, Surface characterization of steel/steel contact lubricated by PAO6 with novel black phosphorus nanocomposites,Friction, 2021 (In press), DOI:10.1007/s40544-020-0366-3
[2] Yufu Xu*, Jingyuan Yu,Yinghui Dong, Tao You, Xianguo Hu, Boundary lubricating properties of black phosphorus nanosheets in polyalphaolefin oil,ASME Journal of Tribology, 2019, 141(7):072101.
[3] Yufu Xu*, QuanZheng, Rasha Abuflaha, Dustin Olson, Octavio Furlong, Tao You, Qiangqiang Zhang, Xianguo Hu, Wilfred T Tysoe, Influence of dimple shape on tribofilm formation and tribological properties of textured surfaces under full and starved lubrication,Tribology International, 2019, 136:267-275.
[4] Yufu Xu*, Quan Zheng, Jian Geng, Yinghui Dong, Ming Tian, Lulu Yao, Karl D. Dearn, Synergistic effects of electroless piston ring coatings and nano-additives in oil on the friction and wear of a piston ring/cylinder liner pair,Wear, 2019,422-423:201-211.
[5] Yufu Xu*, Jingyuan Yu, Jian Geng, Rasha Abuflaha, Dustin Olson, Xianguo Hu, Wilfred T. Tysoe, Characterization of the tribological behavior of the textured steel surfaces fabricated by photolithographic etching,Tribology Letters, 2018, 66(2): 55
[6] Yufu Xu*, Jian Geng, Yubin Peng, Zhichao Liu, Jingyuan Yu, Xianguo Hu, Lubricating Mechanism of Fe3O4@MoS2 core-shell nanocomposites as oil additives for steel/steel contact,Tribology International, 2018, 121:241-251.
[7] Yubin Peng,Yufu Xu*, Karl D. Dearn, Jian Geng, Xianguo Hu, Novel in situ tribo-catalysis for improved tribological properties of bio-oil model compound,Fuel, 2018, 212: 546-553.
[8] Yubin Peng,Yufu Xu*, Jian Geng, Karl D. Dearn, Xianguo Hu. Tribological assessment of coated piston ring-cylinder liner contacts under bio-oil lubricated conditions [J].Tribology International, 2017, 107: 283-293.
[9] Yufu Xu*, Yubin Peng,Karl D. Dearn, Tao You, Jian Geng, Xianguo Hu.Fabrication and tribologicalcharacterization of laser textured boron cast iron surfaces [J].Surface & Coatings Technology, 2017, 313:391-401.
[10] Yufu Xu*, Yubin Peng, Karl D Dearn, Xiaojing Zheng, Lulu Yao, Xianguo Hu, Synergistic lubricating behaviors of graphene and MoS2 dispersed in esterified bio-oil for steel/steel contact.Wear, 2015, 342-343: 297-309
[11] Yufu Xu*, Xiaojing Zheng, Yubin Peng, Bao Li, Xianguo Hu, Yanguo Yin,Upgrading the lubricity ofbio-oil via homogeneous catalytic esterification under vacuum distillation conditions, Biomass and Bioenergy, 2015, 80: 1-9.
[12] Yufu Xu*, Yubin Peng, Xiaojing Zheng,Karl D Dearn, Hongming Xu, Xianguo Hu, Synthesis and tribological studies of nanoparticle additives for pyrolysis bio-oil,Energy, 2015, 83: 80-88.
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[4] 徐玉福,胡献国,程亚洲,一种空间飞行器用润滑脂及其制备方法,授权日:2014.10.01,中国发明专利:ZL 201310278165.0
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[6] 徐玉福,胡献国,一种锌白铜用防高温变色剂及其使用方法,授权日:2016.01.06,中国发明专利:ZL 201310278163.1(已成功工业化应用,欢迎有需求企业联系技术转让)
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[2] Yubin Peng,Yufu Xu*(通讯作者), Jian Geng, Karl D. Dearn, Xianguo Hu,Wear mechanism of coated piston ring-cylinder liner contacts lubricated with bio-oil,第六届世界摩擦学大会优秀论文奖,2017
[3] 徐玉福*,郑晓静,尹延国,Comparison and analysis of the influence of test conditions on the tribological properties of emulsified bio-oil,第八届安徽省自然科学优秀学术论文,二等奖,2016
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