一、主要科研项目: 1、国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,项目负责人; 2、中国博士后科学基金面上项目,项目负责人; 3、企业委托项目,W2024JSKF0458,项目负责人; 4、企业委托项目,W2023JSZR0431,项目负责人; 5、企业委托项目,W2022JSKF0812,项目负责人; 6、企业委托项目,W2021JSKF0820,项目负责人; 7、合肥工业大学学术新人提升计划B项目,项目负责人; 8、合肥工业大学博士学位专项资助基金项目,项目负责人; 9、科技部攻关项目,项目骨干; 10、安徽省科技创新攻坚计划项目,项目骨干; 11、国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目骨干; 12、江淮前沿技术协同创新中心追梦基金项目,项目骨干; 13、企业委托项目,W2023JSKF0500,,项目骨干。 二、代表性学术论文: [1] Jian Chen, Rong Jin, Wenzhi Gao, Changhai Liu, Yishan Zeng, Jingwu Wang*. Development of an inertia-driven resonant piezoelectric stack pump based on the flexible support structure [J]. Smart Materials and Structures, 2024, 33(7): 075017. [2] Tao Xu, Ziqi Wang, Zhiwei Jia, Jian Chen*(通讯), ZhiHua Feng. A dual-stage correction approach for high-precision phase-shifter in Fizeau interferometers [J]. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2024, 178: 108205. [3] Jian Chen, Fanci Meng, Zihan Feng, Wenzhi Gao, Changhai Liu and Yishan Zeng*. Matching the Optimal Operating Mode of Polydimethylsiloxane Check Valves by Tuning the Resonant Frequency of the Resonator in a Piezoelectric Pump for Improved Output Performance [J]. Micromachines, 2023, 14(1): 15. [4] Jian Chen, Wenzhi Gao*, Changhai Liu, Liangguo He and Yishan Zeng. Improving Output Performance of a Resonant Piezoelectric Pump by Adding Proof Masses to a U-Shaped Piezoelectric Resonator [J]. Micromachines, 2021, 12(5): 500. [5] Qiaosheng Pan, Ziliang Huang, Quan Wang, Kai Wu, Shanlin Liu, and Jian Chen*(通讯). Mass transfer from the rotor to the stator for improving the speed of the piezoelectric motor based on centrifugal force [J]. Review of scientific instruments, 2021, 92(5): 055008. [6] Jian Chen, Dan Huang, Zhihua Feng*. A U-shaped piezoelectric resonator for a compact and high-performance pump system [J]. Smart Materials and Structures, 2015, 24(10): 105009. [7] Jian Chen, Zhihua Feng*. X7R dielectric multilayer ceramic capacitors show good micro-actuating properties with little hysteresis [J]. Electronics Letters, 2014, 50(7): 538-540.(Featured Article) [8] Jian Chen, Liansheng Zhang, Zhihua Feng*. High-fidelity AFM scanning stage based on multilayer ceramic capacitors [J]. Scanning, 2016, 38(3): 184-190. [9] 曾亿山, 郝云锋, 陈建*(通讯), 闵玉春, 娄文浩,高文智. 菱形压电驱动器对称驱动形式的研究 [J]. 液压气动与密封, 2020, 40(05): 1-4. [10] Jian Chen*(通讯), Fanci Meng, Wenzhi Gao, Changhai Liu, Yishan Zeng. Improving Piezoelectric Pump Output by Suppressing Liquid Inertial Load with Vibration Filters [C]; Proceedings of the 2020 15th Symposium on Piezoelectricity, Acoustic Waves and Device Applications (SPAWDA), 16-19 April 2021, 2021. 62-66. [11] Yishan Zeng, Yunfeng Hao, Jian Chen*(通讯), Wenzhi Gao, Liangguo He. Design and Simulation of High Flowrate Piezoelectric Pump based on Rhombic Piezoelectric Actuator [C]; Proceedings of the 2019 14th Symposium on Piezoelectricity, Acoustic Waves and Device Applications (SPAWDA), 1-4 Nov. 2019, 2019. 1-5. [12] Jian Chen*(通讯), Yongbin Liu, Yang Ye, Qiaosheng Pan, Zhihua Feng. Automatic biasing circuit for driving piezoelectric bimorph actuators safely and efficiently [C]; Proceedings of the 2016 Symposium on Piezoelectricity, Acoustic Waves, and Device Applications (SPAWDA), 21-24 Oct. 2016, 2016. 239-242.(优秀论文) 三、发明专利: [1] 陈建,金融,陆英浩等,一种用于闭环式压电驱动移相器的多级校正方法,2024.05.07,中国发明专利,ZL202410213688.5 [2] 陈建,冯梓涵,孟凡慈等,一种基于菱形环和对称同相放大杆的二级驱动压电堆栈泵,2024.04.30,中国发明专利,ZL202210380190.9 [3] 陈建,冯梓涵,孟凡慈等,一种基于菱形环和对称反相放大杆的二级驱动压电堆栈泵,2024.04.30,中国发明专利,CN202210380183.9 [4] 陈建,金融,冯梓涵等,基于柔性支撑的谐振式压电堆栈泵,2023.08.04,中国发明专利,CN202310447854.3 [5] 陈建,宋涛,赵家琪等,一种基于对称式同相放大机构的压电堆栈泵,2023.07.21,中国发明专利,ZL202111450403.2 [6] 陈建,孟凡慈,吴永旗等,一种谐振频率可调的音叉式驱动器驱动的压电泵,2022.11.25,中国发明专利,ZL202110826926.6 [7] 陈建,程春鹏,周红等,一种阵列式压电隔膜泵,2022.06.07,中国发明专利,ZL202110332348.0 [8] 冯志华,陈建,冯梓涵,许涛,基于多层陶瓷电容器的堆栈式精密微致动器,2024.01.02,中国发明专利,CN202311189242.5 [9] 冯志华,陈建,郝明亮,稳幅结构,2017.04.19,中国发明专利,ZL201510066230.2